"A Blog by A Young MOM, who may not be classified as young anymore but blogging about LOVE, LIFE, FAMILY, and now WORK with the Ups and Downs and the Ins and Outs of Everything~"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bye Bye RPTN

You must be wondering what's RPTN. Well, RPTN stands for Right Pinky Toe Nail. My RPTN is gone... thank goodness only RPTN. If LPTN also gone then I don't know what to do. Plus, it's the same side as the one that came off during the RUUMS KL TOP 6 -> TOP 4

Sobs~ there must be something wrong with this Pinky, if not RPTN wouldn't have come out repeatedly. Pinky is so ugly now... like I only have 9 toes. Mom said I should paint my nail varnish over Pinky but I'm afraid my RPTN will not regrow again!

Now you see it

Now you don't



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