"A Blog by A Young MOM, who may not be classified as young anymore but blogging about LOVE, LIFE, FAMILY, and now WORK with the Ups and Downs and the Ins and Outs of Everything~"

Friday, November 14, 2008

WIG Attack

My sister got herself a wig and we had 'Wig Attack'! I tried it on and it was so funny. Javier was speechless and he really thought I had a new hairstyle. Judith knew it was fake and insists that she must try it. 

'the adorable look'

'the sweet look'

'the poser look'

Judith said, "Now, let's try and become ghost!"

Javier shy about it.. Judith giggling at the back there!

Joe... never like taking chances

And finally, a picture of myself with the wig. I wish I had natural curls... I think they're sexy! HAHA~

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