"A Blog by A Young MOM, who may not be classified as young anymore but blogging about LOVE, LIFE, FAMILY, and now WORK with the Ups and Downs and the Ins and Outs of Everything~"

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ethan turns ONE!

We brought the kids to ETHAN's first birthday at Tai Thong Imperial City, Cheras Plaza. I think it's one of the best birthday parties the kids have ever been so far. Jake and I thought it was great too. It was fun, and we didn't get boring either. Food was buffet style and deliciously handled.


  1. Hey....really happy to hear that you n your kids enjoyed the party!! Except that they r quite afraid of clown huh?!! ahahaha...anyways at least they had some colorful balloons & party pack that they like! Most important is the kids enjoyed it!!


  2. Hi Christine,

    No.. this is really one of the best bday parties we've been too.. the kids had fun and we enjoyed it too. Sometimes the kids are afraid of clowns and sometimes they are not.. guess it comes and goes.. yeap the goodies in the party pack have been terminated by them that very same day! there's spanking to be done! anyway thanks for inviting us!!!


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