"A Blog by A Young MOM, who may not be classified as young anymore but blogging about LOVE, LIFE, FAMILY, and now WORK with the Ups and Downs and the Ins and Outs of Everything~"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

52 and Still DOING IT~

Okay... the other day, we were doing the art of mastering the skipping rope. Today, I showed the kids again my ability.. ngek~ngek~ngek. Guess who joined in? My MOM!!! 

I tell you.. she can do it! I even managed to capture all in action using my mobile phone. Wink~


PUR-LEESE don't tell mom. She'll fret. After grandma knew her picture was submitted into the net, she bugged me.. asking if she looked okay in the picture. I told her yeap she looked fine but it wasn't very clear either. LOL~

Well, since mom can do it.. I thought I'd ask dad to demonstrate too! He came down and look around and gave me his excuse, "Cannot, afterwards stomach ache!"while patting his tummy and retreating upstairs.

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