"A Blog by A Young MOM, who may not be classified as young anymore but blogging about LOVE, LIFE, FAMILY, and now WORK with the Ups and Downs and the Ins and Outs of Everything~"

Monday, May 4, 2009

Look What I Got For Hubby!

Hello Markisa, my hubby really loves you. I was wondering what's so good about this Markisa that hubby goes coo over it. I've never tried Markisa before actually until I stole a sip off hub's can and I found out that it was, "Bai-Xiang-Guo" all the while. 

OMGeez... it's Passion Fruit. I felt really silly after that. Now I know why hub cooed whenever there's Markisa. I would coo over it if I knew earlier it was my long lost friend, Passion Fruit. I used to drink Passion Fruit when I was little. All through my toddler @ growing up years. Mom used to order them from the delivery man. I remember that he'll send a few bottles every fortnight way back when we were Malaccans'. But fear not, BOH has bring back Passion Fruit Markisa

P/S : Hubby, I'm reserving a can for my Dad & Mom! But you still get 2 cans....


  1. new flavor of BOH's drink. I should have a try.

  2. Hey happy mothers to you ha ha. Ya even thought you are not my mom anyway just a wish


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