Sorry for the delay. I know I'm supposed to post the traditional mooncakes earlier but because mom's mixer was down, she couldn't make any.
Yup.. mom fret... she was disappointed.. she was sad.. she indeed was down.. but when dad gave her the green light to get a new mixer, she was cheeky all the way. But, thanks to dad so we can have more mooncakes in da' house and also thanks to mom for taking the effort to weigh, mix, and mould them.
So.. here is mom's new toy (I told the kids that because it is!). The brand is SPAR which she got directly from the Bakery Supply Shop at Segar. I would definitely name it SPARTAN.. just look at the size.. and that body :p..
'My Momma's Spartan'

We couldn't find a place to put it yet because it was kick-butt huge.. so there it goes on the floor at the moment.. sitting comfy on a carpet for protection... protect which I don't know.. SPARTAN?

While mom was kneading the lotus paste, Judith help by pouring melon seeds.. I as busy here on my laptop.

Look at this magnificent salted egg yolk.. I love its bright color and yolk never look so good but I never like yolks in mooncakes... blek

A fight between 'white lotus paste' and 'lotus paste'

Mom taught me how to mould them too... first you grab some flour and dust the mould so the paste won't stick around

Then.. u press very very gently to even out the paste making sure the edges are covered

Next is BAM BAM BAM.. BAM left, BAM right, up and down.. then be ready to catch it before it falls out. At first I suck at this because no matter how hard I BAM, mom said 'harder'!

Lookie here.. I mould them!

Put them in the oven for you and me for 12 minutes

Brush the top with egg to make it shine golden brown and re-fire them in the oven for another 12 minutes.

Out of the oven to let them cool down... they take a long time.

One ready 'Lotus Paste with Single Egg Yolk'

Yummy this is MINE without eggy

And there were leftovers, so mom made mini Ping Pei (Snow Skin) mooncakes.. they were adorable

Little Javier helping mom out with the boxes

MOONCAKES MAKING DONE... what's next? Jelly Mooncakes?
psst... if you're interested in ordering my mom's mooncakes, don't hesitate to beep me yah!!!
hey much is your mom selling the traditional and snow skin mooncake? My parents dislike if its too sweet and based on what you describe, plus its homemade so i think should be alright rite? =)