…. that’s what Hub told me. I always thought it’s called ‘Qing Ming’ in English too. I googled… and I found out that it’s also called, ‘Clear and Bright Festival’. It’s a festival to remember and honour ancestors at grave sites or maybe I should put it as tombs as it sounds much more historic. Lol.. anyway, we went down to Malacca (my hometown-oh how I missed you) to the ‘YONG’ tomb site. All the ‘YONGs’ are and were there. We visit Jake’s grandfather (FIL’s Dad) every year without fail except for the certain years that I was expecting.
So, we left very early at about 5.45am.. we arrived at about 7am using the Ayer Keroh exit. The ‘YONG’ cemetery is located behind Jaya Jusco. Right after you pass JJ on your right, at the traffic light, take right. Oh.. why am I telling you the directions.. silly me.
Hub with his Ipod all geared up to take-off

Cc carpooled with us

Judith battling with sleepiness

We’re reached the Ayer Keroh toll
Relatives from Malacca and Singapore came too. One big family spring reunion. We started off with the sweeping of the grave’.. it means sweep-la; sweep clean, then.. lucky young ones repaint the Chinese characters written on the tomb. When all is clean and done, offerings in form of food, tea, flowers, etc are given.
Uncle Keat from Singapore checking if it’s durable paint…
TaKu reserved the umbrella first while Fei-Po decides to release some puffs.
FIL making sure everyone does something

Hub assuring his Uncle that he isn’t going vegan with his hairdo

Yes she gets bitten by mosquitoes too

Kids hanging around Nancy

Sorry you guys… and sorry piggy

Jake the porky slayer

Erm… he’s personalizing his respect plan

All the goodies for ‘YEYE’
Javier left his building blocks at home.. so he’s improvising now

Cc and Judith asking if ‘Elder Yong’ has finished his feast
(this is how it works… take two 20 cents, ask permission, shake, shake, shake then throw.. if both are heads/tails; means he isn’t finish eating.. if one is head and the other is tails; it means he is done chowing, full + with big tummy!)

While they wait…
While we wait….

Fei Po says, “Start Smoking”

The ALPHARD is burning!!! HELP!!

Open burning happens in the family only once year

Umbrella Man

Vampires hiding from the sun

Reduced to ashes

Fei Po’s turn to do something.. ALAS

Sweaty Pretty Umbrella Girls
Picnic site.. haha
My kiddos' sweating it out in the heat

Fei Po doing what she does best... cut and distribute to family members
Before we leave, we took a family picture. Though not everyone could make it, it was a great day. This time, we arrived early, did everything breezily and braved the oven-baking sun without much hassle.

We are the YONGS'
Bye Bye.. See You Next Year!
arrived Malacca @ 7am then arrived KL at 12 pm!! express Qing Ming!! :D