Nancy's birthdate is on the 5th of November but was celebrated on the 8th of November. It was her very own 'Sweet-16' and also a double celebration as Joe's birthday falls on the 8th. She invited about 50 of her schoolmates. It was held at Italiannies @ The Gardens.
Some pictures were taken by Javier.. yes J-A-V-I-E-R. He's into photography now.

Private Room : Private Party
CC doing her posse' - and what's he looking at?

The Lucky Birthday Girl
Javier begging me for the camera!!!

He snapped Jake

Snapped Edmund and Joanne

Snapped Embak, Grandma and Grandpa too!

Not to forget Yee-Ma, Ekin, Lidya and Onal

Vegetables time!

Nancy's fellow friends.. ahem this is only part of the pack!

To the left are Nancy's friends.. half of the middle table are hers and to the right are all hers too!

HAHA~ A whole plate of 'Cappucino Pie' for Ti-Ti..

Nancy with Javier

No idea what's she doing....ask her not me!
Yay~ All in one!

Jake and I

FIL and CC auditioning for YONG... oops I meant BOND, James Bond
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