Jake and I went to Pavilion. We went to Kiehls store to get our favorite 'Blue Herbal' moisturizer. Then, we went and shop for CC's birthday gift. YEAP~ She's turning 21. Not a baby anymore.
After that, we went and watch, "Mamma Mia". It was so very good. So very entertaining. But our movie hall weren't full. It was the biggest hall but there were only about 20 of us watching the movie. So sad :-(
Such good movie but not many appreciators. The music was catchy, the cast was wonderful and the story line was absolutely great! The ending is a must-watch.. so hilarious!!!
Insights of some of the casts and where you've seen them:
From left is Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgård, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth and Dominic Cooper

Remember her? She was in Mean Girls;
as the girl who predicts the weather by
touching her breasts.
I'm sure you'll remember her by the name Miranda Priestly from 'Devil Wears Prada'. She's 58 and is still beautiful and she still can do splits in the air. WOW~

Pierce Brosnan > Who would have guessed that 'James Bond' could sing and dance?
Colin Firth is everyone's gentleman, Mr Darcy in 'Pride and Prejudice'.
After our movie, hubby brought me to lunch at Silk Road. Oooo yummy! The chinese tea was awesome. The food was very different. Very 'ching', not much salt nor seasoning but still tasted very good. Especially the 'Szechuan Spicy Soup', one must-try this extremely delicious soup. It's spicy and yet a little sourish plus, the spiciness is only there when it is piping hot. Once it's cooled down, it's not spicy anymore. How cool is that right? Magic Soup!
GO~GO try it out> Silk Road, 6th Floor, Pavilion KL
Hmm.. Sundays are lazy days where we laze around doing what we like to do.
We had late breakfast so lunch must be late too.
Then, we went back to my in-laws place where we watched, 'Another Cinderella Story'. Later during the day, Jake played 'Assassin's Creed' on his PS3 while MIL cooed over it.
For dinner, we went to The Gardens, MidValley. We met up with CC there. We thought of eating at Italiannies but MIL wants to skip Italian food. Then we thought dining in San Francisco Steakhouse but it was full-house due to the 'buka puasa' timing SO, we knew we had to find a restaurant that is Non-Halal. In the end, we chose ; Crystal Jade Restaurant.
During dinner, we chatted and decided we want to watch, "Mamma-Mia" again! Well, not again for my in-laws. Actually again for Jake and me. Hey, the movie was fun so what the heck, right? who doesn't want double entertainment 2 days in a row?
Since we, the youngsters agreed to this last minute movie watching, guess the old folks have nothing much to say but to go along with it. HAHA~
FIL was wearing shorts with slippers.. so he went and get himself double layers and socks for his naked feet. Whereas, I was also wearing shorts and spaghetti but it wasn't that cold when 'mommy duties' are at hand. I bought a shawl for the kids too; to share in case they get cold.
Then, we went and walk around trying to kill time. Our movie was at 9.20pm, so we mingled around for about an hour; snapping pics and gliding up and down the aisle.
Nancy got her beloved MARKS & SPENCER ballerina flats at last. I'm going to get one myself too. It's a promise to myself..
During the movie, MIL laughed so much and so hard that I think it was the first time I've ever heard her laughed like that. I think she enjoyed it very much. FIL didn't quite understand the story line at the beginning so CC and MIL had to top up some of his queries. But I think he did enjoyed himself too. I think everyone did. The kids were quite engrossed in it too. After all, not every time we get the opportunity to get together to eat and watch a movie.
I think we should do this more often. It's hectic and tiring but it is sure lotsa' fun!
Elena :p
ReplyDelete...How much i miss your kids (and you!)! :(
They all look bigger now, especially the little one (who isn't that little anymore :p) Sometimes i wonder if they would still remember me, hmmm..
I hope all is well with you and the family =)
Oh, and do send my greetings to Elaine and your mum! Miss them much.
PS. I do visit your blog once in a while :)
Take care,
Elaine Tan!