My little one turned 5.. sob sob he's so big now.. he's not my baby anymore.. his birthday started early this year. As early as Saturday when his birthday is dated for Tuesday.
We got him his birthday present on Saturday so he'll have lots of time to play with it till the next day.
So while Javier enjoyed his new Hot Wheels Set, hubby enjoyed thumbing on his PS3.
Then on Sunday, we had a lunch date with my in-laws to celebrate Javier's birthday. We ate Dim Sum at Tai Thong, Plaza Cheras. Hmm.. food here isn't as great as it used to be and the service was as bad as molded bread.
After lunch, the older kids followed their 'Ku-Jies' to dance class while we had 2-on-1 time with Birthday Boy. We went to The Gardens & MidValley Megamall. We had ice-cream, we surveyed Toys R' Us and got a few more toys, we bought books YAY, and lastly, we really had a good time with Javier when all eyes were on him.
On Javier's actual birthday, hubby and me took leave. YUP to the dislike of my boss. HAHA! It was impromptu and unnecessary but nevertheless it was what we need like a day off on a weekday and also it was a surprise for the kids as well as we had planned for the day ahead.
Looks good and tastes even better
After the kids came back from school... YUP we got the day off but the kids had to attend school; Evil Parents :p, we took the kids out for lunch. Birthday Boy has the say for the day so, he chose PappaRich at The Gardens.

Joe trying something new this time.. the dish and the pose definitely
After our tummies were filled with a little of this and that, we head off to MegaKidz which the kids craved for since the last time they came here. This was the surprise that we planned and the kids were thrilled when they heard what's coming after lunch!
After the tiring day.. tiring for us adults not the kids.. How come we feel it more? Hmm... we head for home.
We came home to a feast.. for both adults and kids that mom whipped and stirred up!

There it goes... once a year with the excitement and it all goes away with a blink of an eye.
Sweet Javier is 5 now... soon it's Judith turning 7... be back for more!!!