Check this out!!
GAMING goes form of books now~
I got this revision book for my girl, just for the school holidays to keep her busy..
Well at least to keep her mind in power mode..
Then she came up to me.. shove the book at my face and asked...
"Mummy, is this X-BOX?"
I looked at it.. and told her, "It is!"
Wow it really caught my eye.. might catch yours too.. really interesting that they're incorporating gaming consoles as part of the fill-in-the-blanks questions. But the book is for 4-6 year olds..>MY-MY
Will it come up in assestment/tests too? I better make my kids memorize the different consoles there are in the market from today onwards.. Have to teach them to differentiate between a normal CPU and a MAC!!
The thing is the drawing really represents an X-BOX.. so clear..
But you can't blame a kid naming it A-BOX or T-BOX or Z-BOX... can you?
How would those kids who haven't meet the X-BOX yet know?
They wouldn't know the difference...
It could be a B-BOX @ Boom Box... for them.. haha
Thursday, May 29, 2008
X-BOX Goes to School
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Delightful Pictures
- when is the snow coming.. yawn~

- ME dad, got pimped by my kids

- my sweet tooth.. sorry make it teeth~

- future watch ambassador

- guys have bubble bath too... don't you know?

- this is called, 'play till you drop!'

- told you she's a cam-whore

- Aaron Kwok wannabe

- auditioning for 'chicken little'

- they're the 3 stooges
Our Police Force.....
A friend of mine sent me this link:
I was shocked beyond words.. what if I was in the car with my kids?
Yeah > we weren't there and we don't know the real truth.. but still?
Is this the only way our police force had in mind?
This happened at the entrance of Cheras Mahkota...
Yup, the taman which police/grand saga barricaded it's entrance.. and yet it got destroyed duno how many times already by the residents and some thoughtful samaritans who thinks it's just unfair to them.
Come on la.. people and families just wanna reach home earlier after a hard days' work.. haven't you heard before?
-Home Sweet Home-
Mommies and Daddies wanna see their cute and adorable kids.. hardworking wives are waiting for hubbies and kids to come home..
With that barricade there.. drivers have to drive 6km further and have to fork out 90cents...and it takes extra 15 minutes to reach home..
Walau-eh.. I just think that the authorities should be a little more considerate..
Afterall they paid so much to live in that area and with a promised of a direct access road to their taman..
See the picture at the bottom:
Now got barricade after barricade.. not tiring wan meh? Wasting money some more..
I know the residents there aren't tired cuz' they're just taking back what they earned...
Btw, have you seen the road from the highway linking to Cheras Mahkota?
It's a beautiful road.. got flowers some more.. why did they even plant flowers when no one is utilizing the road?
For who to see? Why spend the money on plants instead of something more useful.
The other day, I went and have a look. I pity the old folks..
There were quite a number of them.. most of them, bongkok with gray-white hair..
sitting down...chewing on nuts..under the tent.. luckily there was a tent... if rain how?
It's really inconsiderate for those who wants to take advantage of the Cheras Mahkota residents..
even though I don't live there.. I feel them.. kinda sad when think about it.
Maybe you should go have a look yourself..
First, try the road that made up so much fuss... then try the road that uses the toll...then you'll understand what I mean...
Other people in overseas are battling with natural disasters; earthquakes/typhoons...while we here battle with road barricades..kinda embarassing to think about it...sigh~
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Some of Our Funniest Home Videos
1st video
-this swing away happened at IKANO Powercentre.
2nd video
-singing and recording courtesy of Auntie
Cecilia and Nancy.
1st video
-what Javier is saying is : 'I take the knife cut Ye'Ye' Kuku...'
2nd video
-this game requires great concentration skills to look for hidden MARIO and friends.
1st video
-this happens every time I turn on loud hip-hop music in the car... they love the base.. wondering where's Judith? She's hiding at the front seat with me.. she'sterrified of them..
2nd video
-Javier's speciality : blowing saliva bubbles..this isn't his biggest... biggest so far was as big as a tennis ball.
Monday, May 26, 2008
MARIO Lives On~
CAUTION - read before you allow your kids to join in the craze
MARIO is more important than candy and snacks.. apparently to my kids anyway...
It's the MARIO and Friends' craze.. the latest craze of my kids so far..since the gaming session started one beautiful day...
There's the MARIO Kart, MARIO Galaxy, Paper MARIO, MARIO & Luigi, MARIO... I also can't name them all.. oh there's the MARIO & Sonic; which I think how could they even collaborate.. Sonic is speedy whereas MARIO is sloppy...anyway, the only MARIO I know is MARIO Bros'. Goodness that was bout' double decade ago...kinda feel old..
Even Luigi has his debut game!
My kids rocks at playing MARIO games.. sometimes when they handover the controller to me.. I get lost..and start hitting the buttons.. worse thing is that my 3 year old plays better than me.. he even taught me some moves..what to do?
Back then MARIO was 2D.. now is like up, down, left, right.. I can't even concentrate where to go.. they make it so interesting that it's too complicated for me to play...but MARIO Kart is okay for me.. only driving mer..hehe 'sap sap sui'~
Now MARIO is in the arcade too.. we purposely brought the kids to the arcade at Sunway Pyramid to play MARIO Kart..
Very exciting for them.. don't wanna stop playing.. pity Judith and Javier were too short to reach the pedals.. so hubby have to be the highchair... Joe was very 'geng'.. he played with other 3 players which are older than him; and he thrashed them..Woo-hoo~..
Hubby only got second thou'.. LOL~
The Craze moves on.. so far we have MARIO keychains, MARIO posters, MARIO pillows, MARIO bolsters, MARIO bags, MARIO and Friends cuddly soft toys, MARIO decoratives.. my little boy even asked me to buy MARIO-like clothings..which I eventually did.. I got him a blue Dungaree, red shirt for innerwear and also a red cap... so cute~
I have to join in the craze too.. you know? To fit in... I've got MARIO hand phone danglers..
Well the craze had been started by hubby, this is because, hubby is also a MARIO fanatic.. wahaha.. well who isn't right? I used to be a fan too.. well MARIO Bros', anyway... only need to
move forward and jump.. easy peasy~
Even though some parents think that video games aren't healthy among kids; but I don't agree on that.. well it depends on the genre of games they play. As long you make sure they don't spend half of their day glued to the controller.. my kids actually learnt a lot of stuff.. besides the aftermath of the gaming sessions...
They turn into the characters and start jumping around in the living room.. hopping from one sofa to another.. throwing the square pillows mom hates it.. cuz she has to clean up after that..
ME? I close one eye!
I don't really stop them from doing that.. they're happy.. and you can see that this littlest things they do somehow creates a smile on my face.. they can be very loud and cute at the same time... but who cares.. I don't want my kids to be the kind that sits on the chair the whole day staring at the box set.. or the kind that are too disciplined to be called kids.
Adults have pillow fights.. so do children!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Truth About JAVIER~
- Javier Andre Yong Zhing was born a week prematurely on the 23rd of March 2005 at Pantai Cheras Medical Centre.
- Javier weighed in 3.2kg and a look like a monkey... haha
- Javier is so so cute... like chicken little.. he loves sweets.. now he's on sweets curfew.
- Javier blabs a lot during baby days and his saliva flow was the heaviest.. baby bips were needed badly.
- Javier is choosy and yet he's easy to pleased.. but he must have what he wants; if not the music war will start.
- Javier is good in reading too.. he loves to browse through daddy's gaming magazines..
- Javier concurs that the lightning in the sky are actually electricy which most of it is true. See? Smart > only 3 years old!!
- Javier loves to go to hotels.. every now and then he would remind his dad that it's time to go and visit a hotel.
- Javier cannot leave without his Vitagens and Sprites.
- Javier is the fairest amongst his siblings.. funny thing is that when I was pregnant with him, I craved for coffee each and everyday.
The Truth About JUDITH~
- Judith Ann Yong Qi was born a week prematurely on the 16th of May 2003 at Pantai Cheras Medical Centre.
- Judith weighed in 3.15kg and looked like a Korean baby after birth.. with rosie cheeks and head full of jet black hair.
- Judith was an easy sleeper during baby days.. I think baby girls are easier to handle comparing to baby boys.
- Judith is a self-proclaimed 'princess in the family'... she's 5 now.. only wears clothing with the age 5 written on the labels. Any other age group she'll put it aside.. Likes pink and purple. She's a 'cam-whore'...
- Judith loves to read.. she reads everyday comparing to big bro Joe. She would rather spend time with her books than jamming the buttons of the game controller. So, her vocabulary is wider than Joe's...
- Judith will only play games with princess characters in them.. or anything girly..or mumsy..
- Judith is talkative and she speaks with slang at times > I dunno where it came from.
- Judith can't wait to go to Year One; thou' she named it Big School.
- Judith's favorite food are ONIONS... yes I mean it.. her favorite dish is 'fried onion and egg'.
- Judith's skin complexion is a bit darker comparing to the boys.. we have no idea but I craved for ice cubes during pregnancy.
The Truth About JOE~
- Joe Anselm Yong Zhen was born on the 8th of November 2001 at Gleneagles Ampang Hospital
- Joe's delivery weight was only 2.28kg.. he was born 3 weeks prematurely... tiny like a shoe box
- Joe was diagnosed with GASTROSCHISIS when he was in my womb when I was 5 months pregnant...
- Joe had a test called AMNIOCENTESIS which cost RM1500... and it was risky.. 1 in 1600 pregnant women get miscarriages doing this test..
- Joe had 2 major operations on him.. first one was immediately after he was born.. and the second operation was done a week later. He stayed at the hospital for more than a month..which he spent 3 and a half weeks in NICU.
- Joe celebrated his full moon in the hospital with the nurses around him.
- Joe had tough feedings.. he would vomit out his milk after feedings and had hard time going back to sleep during the night.
- Joe started walking upright on Christmas Day, on the 25th of December 2002.
- Back then.. grandpa was known as Pam-Pa and grandma was known as Pam-Ma..
- Now his interests are gAmEs and CaRtOoNs... lol
*Amniocentesis -(also referred to as amniotic fluid test or AFT), is a medical procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnormalities and fetal infections, in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is extracted from the amnion or amniotic sac surrounding a developing fetus, and the fetal DNA is examined for genetic abnormalities.
*NICU @ Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How I met.... MY HUBBY!!!
Wow.. this is going to be interesting. Back during school days.. say 7 years ago, I was actually dating another guy..
Sorry I don't want to release any names.. not to embarass anyone.. not that I feel embarrassed about, if not I wouldn't be blabbing here.. I wanna explain here cause of the embarassment he had caused me since back then.
Oh I don't hold grudges against YOU.. just that you had your time; and mine is now.
Alright I won't go into details.. unless someone asked me too.. I promised..
Okay let"s start.. I met my hubby through my ex-bf
One day, after I visited ex-my bf during his lunch hour when he was working at LM, I went to the cab stand to wait for a cab to go home.. then I spotted hubby driving by.. and guess what? He spotted me too..wink~
It was like 'love at first sight'; thou' some people say it ain't real. Well it proves here. My heart went BOOM-BOOM-BOOM..
Okay hubby overshot..didn't make it to stop. Then a cab came by and I hailed it.. but I didn't know hubby had made a turn.
I was already in the cab when I saw him in his car behind me. We just waved goodbye.. that's all for that day. Next I don't know how he found my ICQ UIN and added me.. (sorry last time ICQ was HOT~)
We chat till the wee and phone.. never wanting to say goodbye.. then he asked me out on a shopping trip.. what kinda guy
ask a girl out for a shopping trip on the first date right? Oh was it a date? Haha...
Btw, it was fun!!! Thou' he bought the clothes not me.. We wasn't all over each other on the first date> MIND YOU!
So, since ex-bf is a jerk, then I dumped him.. Why keep him when I was a banker in the relationship, rite? Anyway he's too dirty minded to live with... and he's not bf material.. urrghh...
Well, dumped the perv.. then I moved on. Who doesn't right; when a knight in shining armor comes to the rescue!!
Furthermore hubby is sweet.. sweetest guy I've ever met.. most guys in my school are immature back then..but now I don't know.
So hubby and I started the relationship smoothly.. erm you know where it gets out of hand?
Two love birds caged together by themselves? Electricity forms you know?
Then poof.. making babies are hot on the topic...
Haha.. anyway. This ends the story of "How I Met My Hubby".
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A Fast Forward Version of How I Became a Young MOM of 3~
Hey there, I'm Elena.. got pregnant with my first child when i was 16.. hmm maybe i wasn't even 16 yet.. close to 16? Ohh don't bother, it doesn't matter now. Then, I left school, and my friends left me.. well most of them. Usually you can't count the number of friends you have. I can.. 1,2,3 >2 maybe? I have cyber-friends thou, but it ain't the same.. I don't mean to insult.. but it's true.
Back to story, OK I got pregnant, my parents found out> OUCH!!!
Told Jake, the father;my husband, he's great.. often is.. I think.. hehe.. he said he'll go through it with me no matter what! See? Isn't he great? He didn't went running, did he?
Then, his parents found out> double OUCH!!!
We had everything FF(fast-forward not what you think it is).. we had our pre-wedding pictures taken at 'De Paris'.. truthfully, they aren't nice.. they looked fake.. you know like models trying hard to keep that smile just to pleased the photographer? We plan to retake the pics.. but it'll be post-marriage pics then.. OK, we had the dinner celebration at Mines Resort City on the 28th of JULY 2001 even before we registered our marriage at JPN. Is that illegal? Well, anyway we had our marriage certificate a few months later..
Then on the 8th of November 2001, Joe Anselm Yong Zhen came into the world.. sounds awkward.. came into the world.. but that's how people put it.. Before he came into the world, there was a lot of ups and downs.. both physically and mentally.. physically>NO, Jake did not hit me.. what i meant was physically on baby Joe. When he was in me, my gynae found out that his intestine is not inside his stomach.. it was outside.. floating? Sounds freaky right? It did freak us out as well.. freak my FIL the most. Had some important discussions here and there.. did some test.. mighty pricey test.. turns out that he's OK... had to do caesarean so right after i got my GA, got the baby out, poof he went for surgery to push the intestine back into his stomach..
*GA> very shiok.. where you get to count backwards.. I personally love the feeling of drowsiness and the part where it goes blank.. no pain.. thumbs up.. but I swear it makes you a little less of a memory keeper.. don't know if it's the GA or the pregnancy..
~but the recovering part from the Caesarean is so so pain.. pain-est ever.. can't stand up staight.. can't pee... not to scare you girls but you'll fear pain no more after going through that..
OK, back to story mode, Joe had his surgeries, sorry it was 2 times.. have to cut short the story in order to FF.. he stayed in Gleneagles Ampang for a month.. so my confinement was basically in between home and hospital.. Jake and I had to travel back and forth to visit him.. to give him moral support.. Eh you think babies don't know? Wait till you have one then you'll know.. They seems to know and feels everything...
That time i was staying with my inlaws.. but I don't get on well with my 'you know who'.. so we moved to a condominium.. but it was scary.. our lot was on the highest floor which was the 19th floor.. and I'm paranoid by those rapist and robbers.. what to do, I was still a young girl even though I have a baby, right? So we moved to my mom's and it's still my home till now.
At least we don't have to go through cat fights and stormy weather everyday.. at least we don't have to pray for sunny weather before returning home... that's where the mental stress comes from..
I stated as 'comes' not 'came' cause it's still coming..
Hmm.. leave you to think of what I mean..
Then.. a year and a half later, I got pregnant with my second child, Judith Ann Yong Qi. She was born on 16th of May 2003. I had caesarean too, and this time the pain ain't that bad.. see what I told you? First cut is the hardest and the deepest..
Then.. a year and a half later, I got pregnant with my third child(eh, I did not copy and paste from the above, I typed).. baby Javier Andre Yong Zhing was born on the 23rd of March 2005.. he's cute as a pea but is a cheeky devil? Haha
He resembles his dad.. got his dad's trades.. juicy type.. wahaha
So now, Joe is 6 (turning 7 in November), Judith just turned 5 and Javier is 3...
FF> fast-forward
GA> general anaesthetic
FIL> father in law